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Is there a way to avoid that the submit binding of knockoutjs sends the form when pressing the enter key?



According to the documentation (knockoutjs.com/documentation/submit-binding.html) the submit binding of knockoutjs has the advantage that it captures alternative ways to submit the form, such as pressing the enter key while typing into a text box. I have a grid on my form and some users are trying to use the enter key to go from one field to the next. Is there a way to avoid submitting the form when this happens?

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jgarza Avatar asked Apr 23 '12 17:04


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How do I stop form submission on Enter key?

To prevent form submission when the Enter key is pressed in React, use the preventDefault() method on the event object, e.g. event. preventDefault() . The preventDefault method prevents the browser from refreshing the page when the form is submitted.

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What ever the reason, if you want to prevent the form submission on pressing Enter key, you can write the following function in javascript: $(document). ready(function() { $(window). keydown(function(event){ if(event.

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Generally - yes, it is best practice to allow the user to hit enter to submit the form at any time.

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To submit the form using 'Enter' button, we will use jQuery keypress() method and to check the 'Enter' button is pressed or not, we will use 'Enter' button key code value.

1 Answers

One choice is to add a keypress handler on the form as well that absorbs the enter key. It would look like:

<form data-bind="event: { keypress: absorbEnter }, submit: test">
    <div data-bind="absorbEnter: true">
    <input data-bind="value: name">
    <input type="submit" value="Go" />

​ js:

var viewModel = {
    name: ko.observable("test"),
    absorbEnter: function(data, event) {
       return event.keyCode !== 13;  
    test: function() {
        console.log("submitting", arguments);        

Sample here: http://jsfiddle.net/rniemeyer/FvZXj/2/

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RP Niemeyer Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 08:09

RP Niemeyer