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Is there a way of using `std::optional` optionally for all the members in a class



Consider the classes

struct Foo1
    int n;
    double m;   


struct Foo2
    std::optional<int> n;
    std::optional<double> m;    

In reality the number of members is greater than this. Is there a way I can templatise this to one class, something like

template<class T>
struct Foo
    T<int> n;
    T<double> m;

where if T is std::optional then Foo is the same as Foo2, and if T is "nothing at all" then it's the same as Foo1. They don't have to be formally the same, just have the same member types if you get my meaning.

So then I could write Foo<std::optional> foo2; in order to make all the members optional or Foo<whatever> foo1; to make them not optional.

I'm using C++14, although if this requires techniques beyond that standard, I'll live with it!

like image 885
Harjit Singh Avatar asked Oct 06 '20 17:10

Harjit Singh

People also ask

What is the use of std :: optional?

The class template std::optional manages an optional contained value, i.e. a value that may or may not be present. A common use case for optional is the return value of a function that may fail.

Does STD optional use dynamic memory?

According to the standard std::optional is prohibited to use dynamic memory for their direct members.

Does STD optional allocate memory?

What's more, std::optional doesn't need to allocate any memory on the free store. std::optional is a part of C++ vocabulary types along with std::any , std::variant and std::string_view .

What is Nullopt in C++?

C++17 introduced std::optional<T> which lets you augment the values of a type T with a bonus value known as std::nullopt which semantically represents the absence of a value. A std::optional which holds the value std::nullopt is known as empty.

How to use optional type in C++17?

Since C++17 you can just #include <optional> and use the type. Such wrapper is still a value type (so you can copy it, via deep copy). What’s more, std::optional doesn’t need to allocate any memory on the free store. std::optional is a part of C++ vocabulary types along with std::any, std::variant and std::string_view.

Should “optional T&” be spelt differently in C++?

So we shouldn’t spell “optional T& ” as std::optional<T&>, it should be spelt differently. I’d argue it should be called std::optional_arg<T>, because that reflects the actual use case it’s going to get. In my opinion we don’t need std::optional<T&> . It is a weird type with only very few use cases.

What is the difference between boost optional and STD optional?

For additional examples, you could look at the boost::optional documentation. boost::optional and std::optional will basically be identical in terms of behavior and usage. Show activity on this post. Show activity on this post.

What is optional in C++?

Modern C++ Features - std::optional - Simplify C++! Sometimes we want to express the state of “nothing meaningful” instead of a value. This is the use case for C++17’s std::optional. In programming, we often come across the situation that there is not always a concrete value for something.

1 Answers

You can write a simple switch that chooses between a type or its optional:

template <typename T, bool O = false>
using optionally_optional = std::conditional_t<O, std::optional<T>, T>;

And then, use it as follows:

template <bool O>
struct Foo
    optionally_optional<int, O> n;
    optionally_optional<double, O> m;
like image 61
Daniel Langr Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 04:10

Daniel Langr