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Is there a way of putting the Python Shell output in a tkinter window?

I was wondering if it is possible (and if so, how) to have the Python Shell output and input inside a tkinter window I have made. I searched on google but I can't seem to find anything. If possible, is there a short version that a beginner could understand. (All the websites I have tried I just could not understand.)

Here is my code that I have got:

from tkinter import *

def Exit():

def newClassResults():
    #assigns variable to an input so it can be reffered to later
    amount = int(input("How many people would you like to add? "))

    #starts for loop
    for counter in range(amount):
#assigns inputto a  variable called 'newName'
        newName = input("\nEnter the new student's name: ")
#assigns input to a  variable called 'newScore'
        newScore = int(input("Enter the new student's score: "))
#adds new results to the list below

def saveResults():
#imports time module so that the program can pause for a certain amount of time
    import time
    import random, decimal
    time1 = decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(1,10))/10
    print("\nStudents' names saved")
    print("Students' scores saved")

def sortResults():
#imports operator module 
    import operator
#imports time module 
    import time
    #sorts results in acsending order
#prints in ascending order
    print("\nSorting Results...")
    import random, decimal
    time1 = decimal.Decimal(random.randrange(1,10))/10

def percentageCalc():
#assigns input to variable called 'number'
    number = int(input("\nEnter minimum mark: "))
#creates variable called 'size'
    size = len(score)
    index = 0
    for counter in range(size):
        if score[index] > number:
        index = index + 1
    higherLength = len(higher)
#calculates percentage of people with score over amount entered
    finished = higherLength / size
    finished = finished * 100
#rounds percentage
    finished = round(finished)
#creates space between line
    print(finished,"% of your students got over",number,"marks")

def printResults():
#starts for loop
    for pair in students_and_score:
#creates space between line
#changes layout of list so it is more readable

#assigns list to a variable
students_and_score = [("Imelda Thomas",74),("Craig Parr",90),("Eric     Salisbury",58),("Laurence Mann",35),("Bill Walford",82),("David Haroald",27),("Pamela Langley",43),("Sarah Boat",39),("Rachel Matthews",62),("Michaela Cunningham",69)]
score = [74,90,58,35,82,27,43,39,62,69]
higher = []

window = Tk()
#sets background colour
#assigns title
#sets the size of window

menu = Menu(window)

subMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label="File", menu=subMenu)
subMenu.add_command(label="Exit", command=Exit)

subMenu = Menu(menu)
menu.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=subMenu)
subMenu.add_command(label="Enter New Class Results",     command=newClassResults)
subMenu.add_command(label="Save Results", command=saveResults)
subMenu.add_command(label="Sort Results", command=sortResults)
subMenu.add_command(label="Print Results", command=printResults)
subMenu.add_command(label="Calculate Percentage", command=percentageCalc)

#Finishes off
like image 596
AlexDear Avatar asked May 13 '15 18:05


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1 Answers

Have a look at this post.

The author inserts a terminal emulator in a tkinter window. I've modified the program, inserting the command to start python in the tkinter window:


from Tkinter import *
import os

root = Tk()
termf = Frame(root, width = 400, height = 200)

termf.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=YES)
wid = termf.winfo_id()
os.system('xterm -into %d -geometry 80x20 -sb -e python &' % wid)


This might not work in Windows though, as there is no xterm.

This is a screenshot of the terminal working, and I packed a button in the same window, just to show the terminal is really in the frame:

enter image description here

like image 83
jcoppens Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 11:09
