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Is there a way in SASS to do if string contains or ends with?



I need an if statement in sass like the so:

@each $name, $char in $font-icons {
    @if ($name ends with "-outline") {
        //do something

Is there a way to do this?

like image 821
Shawn Cain Avatar asked Nov 02 '16 20:11

Shawn Cain

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How do I write an if statement in sass?

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2 Answers

Not exactly what you were looking for, but I think it's about as close as you can get with Sass.

Using str-index($string, $substring) you can find out if $name contains -outline:

@each $name, $char in $font-icons {
    @if (str-index($name, '-outline')) {
        //do something

EDIT: Just wrote a quick Sass function to actually find out if the string ends with another string:

@function ends-with($string, $find) {
  @if (str-index($string, $find) == (str-length($string) - str-length($find) + 1)) {
    @return true;
  } @else {
    @return false;

@each $name, $char in $font-icons {
    @if (ends-with($name, '-outline')) {
        //do something

UPDATE #2: The function above will return false if $string contains $find more than once. This function will return true if $string truly ends with $find:

@function ends-with($string, $find) {
  @if (str-slice($string, (str-length($string) - str-length($find) + 1)) == $find) {
    @return true;
  } @else {
    @return false;

UPDATE #3: Simplified:

@function ends-with($string, $find) {
  @return str-slice($string, (str-length($string) - str-length($find) + 1)) == $find;
like image 150
Kodie Grantham Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 18:10

Kodie Grantham

Use this SCSS code:

@function str-ends-with($string, $find) {
    @return str-length($string) >= str-length($find) AND str-slice($string, (str-length($string) - str-length($find) + 1)) == $find;
like image 38
Dmitry Shashurov Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 19:10

Dmitry Shashurov