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Is there a way for SLEEP() in a stored procedure?


I have a stored procedure I'd like to run forever, but sleep for one second in a loop. When it wakes up it would poll a table to see if it should do some work. Work only needs to be done every minute, so there is no worry about the poll table getting hit with updates from two writers at the same time.

What is the best way to SLEEP() for an interval in a stored procedure? It would be nice, actually, if it could sleep for 200 milliseconds, but one second would work too.

like image 824
Don Wool Avatar asked May 12 '12 00:05

Don Wool

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SQL Server's Equivalent to Sleep(): The WAITFOR Statement. In SQL Server, you can use the WAITFOR statement to delay the execution of a batch, stored procedure, or transaction. It works similar to MySQL's sleep() function.

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1 Answers

I've encountered the same problem. After googling a lot, I found out that we can use

SELECT SLEEP(<seconds>); 

to delay our procedures for this many seconds. In your case, using


would be just fine.

like image 189
Roger Ray Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 07:09

Roger Ray