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Is there a way for PHP to validate an SQL syntax without executing it?





I would like to build a PHP script that will validate an SQL query, but does not execute it. Not only should it validate syntax, but should, if possible, let you know if the query can be executed given the command that is in the query. Here's Pseudocode of what I would like it to do:

//connect user
//connect to database
//v_query = $_GET['usrinput'];
if(validate v_query == true){
echo "This query can be executed";
echo "This query can't be executed because the table does not exist.";


Something like this. I want it to simulate the query without it executing it. That's what I want and I can't find anything on this.

An example of why we wouldn't want the query to be executed is if the query adds something to a database. We just want it to simulate it without modifying the database.

Any links or examples would be greatly appreciated!

like image 414
Philll_t Avatar asked Nov 08 '11 03:11


People also ask

How do you validate a SQL query?

To validate the syntax of the statements, right-click in the editor, and then select a validation option. To validate the syntax of the statements for the connection that is selected in the Configuration tab, select the Validate statement syntax for current configuration option.

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PHP empty() Function The empty() function checks whether a variable is empty or not. This function returns false if the variable exists and is not empty, otherwise it returns true.

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The PHP language provides functions that make communicating with MySQL extremely simple. You use PHP functions to send SQL queries to the database. You don't need to know the details of communicating with MySQL; PHP handles the details. You only need to know the SQL queries and how to use the PHP functions.

2 Answers

From MySQL 5.6.3 on you can use EXPLAIN for most queries

I made this and it works lovely:

function checkMySqlSyntax($mysqli, $query) {
   if ( trim($query) ) {
      // Replace characters within string literals that may *** up the process
      $query = replaceCharacterWithinQuotes($query, '#', '%') ;
      $query = replaceCharacterWithinQuotes($query, ';', ':') ;
      // Prepare the query to make a valid EXPLAIN query
      // Remove comments # comment ; or  # comment newline
      // Remove SET @var=val;
      // Remove empty statements
      // Remove last ;
      // Put EXPLAIN in front of every MySQL statement (separated by ;) 
      $query = "EXPLAIN " .
                        Array("","", ";","", "; EXPLAIN "), $query) ;

      foreach(explode(';', $query) as $q) {
         $result = $mysqli->query($q) ;
         $err = !$result ? $mysqli->error : false ;
         if ( ! is_object($result) && ! $err ) $err = "Unknown SQL error";
         if ( $err) return $err ;
      return false ;

function replaceCharacterWithinQuotes($str, $char, $repl) {
    if ( strpos( $str, $char ) === false ) return $str ;

    $placeholder = chr(7) ;
    $inSingleQuote = false ;
    $inDoubleQuotes = false ;
    for ( $p = 0 ; $p < strlen($str) ; $p++ ) {
        switch ( $str[$p] ) {
            case "'": if ( ! $inDoubleQuotes ) $inSingleQuote = ! $inSingleQuote ; break ;
            case '"': if ( ! $inSingleQuote ) $inDoubleQuotes = ! $inDoubleQuotes ; break ;
            case '\\': $p++ ; break ;
            case $char: if ( $inSingleQuote || $inDoubleQuotes) $str[$p] = $placeholder ; break ;
    return str_replace($placeholder, $repl, $str) ;

It wil return False if de query is OK (multiple ; separated statements allowed), or an error message stating the error if there is a syntax or other MySQL other (like non-existent table or column).

PHP Fiddle


  • MySQL errors with linenumbers: the linenumbers mostly will not match.
  • Does not work for MySQL statements other than SELECT, UPDATE, REPLACE, INSERT, DELETE
like image 152
Roemer Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 12:09


You could try this library: http://code.google.com/p/php-sql-parser/. I've not used it yet so I can't guarantee it but the code looks like it will be able to tell the difference between valid and invalid SQL.

Another option could be to use transactions if your SQL variant allows it. A transaction would allow you to execute the SQL and then cancel it afterwards reversing any damage that was done. I think I would prefer option 1 though.

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Godwin Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 12:09
