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Is there a visual guide to the UIKit components?




My Problem is this, I want to add some component to my App I saw in some other App. Everytime I wnat to do this, I start googling around for the name. It took me some time to find the name of UIActionSheet. Now I'm looking for that transparent overlay that appears when you turn the volume up and down.

So, is there a good visual guide to the UIKit components? As an example, see the visual guide to swing components or this visual guide which is way to short/incomplete. And secondly, what's the name of the component I'm looking for?

like image 821
Tim Büthe Avatar asked May 06 '10 12:05

Tim Büthe

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2 Answers

The iOS documentation has a section called iOS UIKit UI Catalog that shows the various UI features by name with links to the API docs and recommend how and when they should be used.

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progrmr Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 20:11


Apple has provided a sample iPhone application called UICatalog. It lists all (or most?) of the standard UIKit component in different variants.

You can download the sample from here.

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Claus Broch Avatar answered Nov 06 '22 21:11

Claus Broch