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Is there a viable SCC integration for Subversion?


What recommendations do you have for a Subversion client that supports Microsofts standard SCC API?

So far, I've found two possibilities:

  • TortoiseSVN SCC. Seems neither mature, active nor supported (no release since Jan 2005)
  • SVN Plugin from PushOK. Commercial, with pricing hidden behind a login page.

Neither of these seem particularly compelling - so I figured I'd turn to StackOverflow.

What Subversion clients are there that support the SCC API, suitable for use with Sybase PowerBuilder?

Open source preferred, but commercial solutions considered - quality/reliability is more important than cost (within reason).

Background information: Subversion server running v1.6, and other work is already using both TortoiseSVN and AnkhSVN as clients.

Update: Why not use TortoiseSVN and be done with it?

Part of my problem is a peculiarity of the way that Powerbuilder works - all of the pieces of your application are stored inside a PBL ("pibble") file. Using source control at the file system level, you can only check in/out the entire application. If you want to manage things piece by piece, you have to do it from inside PowerBuilder, through an SCC based integration.

Update: What's with those PBL files?

Some more details for those who are interested.

PowerBuilder stores its code inside PowerBuilder Libraries (PBLs) and not as individual ASCII text files [this] adds a layer of complexity to integration. (http://pbdj.sys-con.com/node/42500)

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Bevan Avatar asked Jul 21 '09 22:07


1 Answers

AFAIK, the only two options are PushOk's plugin and PBSCC Proxy. I gave PBSCC Proxy a quick try a few months ago, and it wasn't as smooth as I was hoping (though it really was a quick try. Some people might be happy with it). I very much appreciate the guy for contributing such a tool to the community, but for the price PushOk is asking, I would go with their tool. Being commercial, it has support and a commitment to the customers. Unless you're going to use SVN for some side projects you do at home, for me that matters more than the price it costs.

Sadly, there aren't too many PB developers in StackOverflow. If you'd like a larger audience for questions like this, I think you should also ask them on the sybase.public.powerbuilder.source_control newsgroup. You'll also find a lot of questions regarding SVN/PB integration that have already been answered.

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eran Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
