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Is there a version of JQuery 1.4.2. with Intellisense yet?

Does anybody know how/when/why/who/where of if the JQuery intellisense files live for JQuery 1.4.2. On the Google Code pages the most up to date version that I can find is 1.3.2.

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uriDium Avatar asked Feb 28 '23 09:02


1 Answers

It's not available at the time of this answer, though the only difference since 1.4.1 vsdoc should be it missing the delegate method.

Use the 1.4.1 vsdoc, just know that .delegate() and .undelegate() (wrappers for .live()) are also options available to you: http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.4.1-vsdoc.js

like image 143
Nick Craver Avatar answered Mar 07 '23 12:03

Nick Craver