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Is there a tool to make all classes package protected and final if possible?





Background: I notice that in many projects almost all classes in the internal code are public and not final, even if they don't need to be. However, it seems sensible to me to make this decision not by default, but only make classes public if they are actually meant to be used from other parts of the system. Having package protected classes is an easy mechanism to enforce boundaries between modules, and serves as a documentation on the intended use of a class.

If there was a (preferrably free :-) tool to protect all classes that can be protected without breaking the program, and maybe make everything final that has no subclasses, that would be a good starting point to start a conscious use of protection mechanisms. (Of course you need to tweak things afterwards.) Do you know such tool?

Caveat: I am aware that there are better modularization mechanisms like OSGI and the planned superpackages and so forth. But in many current projects this is not an option, and using the plain old Java mechanisms is something you can easily do. Also, this works only if you have shared code ownership (such that everybody can change things back to public as needed) and if you are developing an endproduct, not a library for use by others. I am also not too sure about the benefits of making things final - this prevents AOP and mocking.

CLARIFICATION: As I said, I am not talking about libraries that are thrown over the fence to someone who can't change it, but about internal code of medium sized projects where everybody is encouraged to change and refactor everything as needed. When I am talking about package protected or final think of it as "protected until someone feels a compelling need to lift those restrictions". If someone feels the need to lift the restrictions set by the tool, he is welcome to do so.

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Hans-Peter Störr Avatar asked Oct 26 '12 11:10

Hans-Peter Störr

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2 Answers

Even if there was such a tool, (there isn't), a good programmer wouldn't use it... access specification is a design issue best understood and settled by the programmer himself. Think about it... you make a program and run the tool and get everything sorted (Assuming the tool is super-intelligent in the first place to actually understand your program).. then you decide to modify it... extend some classes, etc.. and you end up extending final classes and making objects of private classes.. (and these are few of the many problems you'll face)...

Thing is.. when the tool does its job, you would no longer even understand your own program.

Bottomline.. stop looking for tools to solve your design issues.. (its like asking for tools that will automatically debug your program)

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PrawDG Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 13:09


You can have a look at ATL from Eclipse. Although ATL is used to create model to model transformations between different kinds of models, there is no restriction that source and target model are not of the same type. You could create a transformation from Java to Java that makes your current classes protected or final. MoDisco is a toolset of Eclipse makes use of that, just if you want to see examples.

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SpaceTrucker Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 13:09
