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Is there a Thrift or Cassandra client for Node.js/JavaScript

I would like to start using Cassandra with a node.js deployment, but I can't find a Thrift or Cassandra client for Node.js and/or JavaScript.

Is there one?

Is there a simple means of generating Thrift connections?

Update: The short answer to this question turns out to be no, there is no JS client for Thrift that is compatible with Cassandra.

Further Update: The next release of Cassandra (0.8 at time of writing) is going to have support for an Avro API. There is already node.js module for Avro support.

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Toby Hede Avatar asked Jun 01 '10 05:06

Toby Hede

3 Answers

Someone made one now: https://github.com/wadey/node-thrift

Update: Rackspace released a node cassandra api:

Update: They moved it to github:

Update: There is a CQL driver now too:

Update: There is a CQL driver, that uses the Cassandra native protocol https://github.com/jorgebay/node-cassandra-cql

Update: DataStax released a CQL driver for Cassandra using the native protocol: https://github.com/datastax/nodejs-driver

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Zanson Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 01:11



edit: take a look at https://github.com/wadey/node-thrift

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Schildmeijer Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 01:11


Zanson already mentioned that Rackspace released the Cassandra API for Node.js, but it's worth noting that their Google Code page isn't their primary base of operations. The github page is where you can stay the most up to date:


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netpoetica Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 01:11
