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Is there a TFS policy to allow only merges and not edits?





We have a baseline folder and development branches in TFS. We'd like to add a policy where changes can only be merged into the baseline from a development branch and not edited directly unless you override the policy. How can we do this?

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adam0101 Avatar asked Jun 12 '09 19:06


1 Answers

There is no way to enforce this restriction 100%. Options:

  • write a checkin policy [but they can be overridden]
  • write an event hook that notifies you [or takes some other action] when someone commits something that wasn't a merge
  • restrict checkin permissions on the branch to trusted developers / integration managers [but they themselves would have full rights]

There's an example of a "merge only" checkin policy here: http://leon.mvps.org/TFS/MergeOnlyPolicy.aspx

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Richard Berg Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 13:11

Richard Berg