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Is there a step-through debugger for Haskell?


Is there a step-through debugger or similar for Haskell?

like image 631
Jonathan Allen Avatar asked Feb 04 '11 19:02

Jonathan Allen

People also ask

Is there a Haskell debugger?

Hoed - The Lightweight Haskell Tracer and Debugger Hoed is a tracer/debugger that offers most of HATs functionality, and works with untransformed libraries. Hoed can therefore be used to debug much more programs than traditional tracer/debuggers.

How do I debug a Haskell program?

Debugging. To debug the main function of a file, press cmd-shift-p (Mac) or ctrl-shift-p (Linux/Windows) to launch the command palette, type in haskell debug and press enter.

What does GHCi mean in Haskell?

Introduction. GHCi is GHC's interactive environment, in which Haskell expressions can be interactively evaluated and programs can be interpreted.

1 Answers

GHCi has an included debugger.

Don Stewart wrote a nice introductory tutorial some time ago.

There's also hood, which lets you observe intermediate structures.

Some older projects, such as hat, seem to have fallen into bitrot/off the internet.

Note – all the above packages are text-based and platform independent.

like image 111
sclv Avatar answered Dec 30 '22 18:12
