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Is there a standard naming convention for self-identifiers in F#? [duplicate]

Regarding F# self-identifier's as in:

type MyClass2 =
   let data = 123

   member whateverYouWant.PrintMessage() =
       printf "MyClass2 with Data %d" data

The F# class documentation says:

Unlike in other .NET languages, you can name the self identifier however you want; you are not restricted to names such as self, Me, or this.

(The answer to the question What are the benefits of such flexible "self-identifiers" in F#? explains the possible usefulness of this.)

My question is, is there perhaps an unofficial standard of what to name the self-identifier? That is, while there may not be a prescriptive convention, is there a descriptive convention of what are F# programmers doing in the wild? this? x? self?


Well looks like this may get closed, but the answer to the other question is hardly an answer as it's just showing multiple options which I'm already aware of. I'm looking for a consensus. Also, that question was asked in 2009 and there might not have been a consensus at that time, while there may be one now.

Also interesting is the book Expert F# 3.0 authored by Don Syme does not use a consistent self-identifier in the examples. Rather it seems to favor single letter self identifiers especially the letter x.

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User Avatar asked Mar 13 '13 07:03


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1 Answers

type MyClass2 as self =
   let data = 123

   let privatePrintMessage() = self.PrintMessage()

   member this.PrintMessage() =
       printf "MyClass2 with Data %d" data

Some people use member x.Name, but that is faulty because x does not explain what it is, and for one of the most used names in F# - the self identifier should be self-explanatory!

Some people also choose to write member __.Name when the self identifier is unnecessary. Those are usually the same people who make sure there are no unused identifiers (easy to do with --warnon:1182). Other people say that this is weird or that it leads to inconsistency - choose what you like.

like image 65
Ramon Snir Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Ramon Snir