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Is there a simple PHP development server? [closed]




When writing web apps in Python, it's brain dead easy to run a development server. Django and Google App Engine (GAE) both ship with simple servers.

The main feature I'm looking for is no configuration. I want something like the GAE dev server where you just pass the directory of the app as a parameter when the server is started.

Is there a reason that this is more difficult with PHP?

like image 765
mdashx Avatar asked Jun 09 '10 09:06


People also ask

What server is PHP running on?

To run PHP for the web, you need to install a Web Server like Apache and you also need a database server like MySQL. There are various web servers for running PHP programs like WAMP & XAMPP. WAMP server is supported in windows and XAMP is supported in both Windows and Linux.

How stop PHP built in server?

Press the (X) button on the top right(on Windows/Linux)/Press the red color circle on the top left(on Mac OS) of the terminal window to stop the PHP server from running. To verify, reload the server page and you will find a server not reachable page in place of your server page.

What is a PHP server?

PHP server is a collection of fundamental tools that make it easy to host at local servers so you can develop or built Web Apps at your computer. If you're are doing development on web application, having a PHP server is perfect way, the most perfect way to start.

1 Answers

Actually PHP 5.4.0 recently presented its built-in web server:

cd ~/public_html php -S localhost:8000 
like image 119
HBv6 Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 21:09
