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Is there a shortcut to execute something only if its not null? [duplicate]



I find myself constantly writing this statement

MyObject myObject = something.getThatObject();
if( myObject !=null &&
    myObject .someBooleanFunction()){


in order to prevent a null pointer exception. Is there a shortcut to this in Java? I'm thinking like myObject..someBooleanFunction()?

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Carlos Bribiescas Avatar asked May 29 '14 18:05

Carlos Bribiescas

1 Answers

In Java 8:

static <T> boolean notNull(Supplier<T> getter, Predicate<T> tester) {
    T x = getter.get();
    return x != null && tester.test(x);

    if (notNull(something::getThatObject, MyObject::someBooleanFunction)) {

If this style is new to the readers, one should keep in mind, that full functional programming is a bit nicer.

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Joop Eggen Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Joop Eggen