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Is there a shortcut for deleting a line in Jupyter's edit mode?

In Jupyter's edit mode, is there a shortcut for deleting a line of text? Something like Ctrl + L in Visual Studio?

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DharmaTurtle Avatar asked Apr 13 '18 05:04


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2 Answers

Shift + Delete or Ctrl + D or both, depending on version.

Ctrl + D is listed under HelpKeyboard Shortcuts in the notebook menu, but Shift + Delete seems to work despite being undocumented.

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DharmaTurtle Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 12:11


As for Jupyter notebook servion version 6.0.2 the command Ctrl + D works for me. This shortcut is listed in the shortcut documentation, that can be found under HelpKeyboard Shortcuts.

If you want to edit the shortcuts you can do this here: HelpEdit Keyboard Shortcuts

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Hendrik Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11
