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Is there a scenario where array_search is faster than a consecutive array_flip and direct lookup?



Imagine you were to search an array of N elements and perform Y Searches on the array values to find the corresponding keys; you can either do Y array_search's or do one array_flip and Y direct lookups. Why is the first method alot slower than the second method? Is there a scenario where the first method becomes faster than the second one? You can assume that keys and values are unique

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teeparty Avatar asked May 31 '13 00:05


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1 Answers

Array keys are hashed, so looking them up just requires calling the hash function and indexing into the hash table. So array_flip() is O(N) and looking up an array key is O(1), so Y searches are O(Y)+O(N).

Array values are not hashed, so searching them requires a linear search. This is O(N), so Y searches are O(N*Y).

Assuming values being searched for are evenly distributed through the array, the average case of linear search has to compare N/2 elements. So array_flip() should take about the time of 2 array_search() calls, since it has to examine N elements.

There's some extra overhead in creating the hash table. However, PHP uses copy-on-write, so it doesn't have to copy the keys or values during array_flip(), so it's not too bad. For a small number of lookups, the first method may be faster. You'd have to benchmark it to find the break-even point.

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Barmar Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 12:10
