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Is there a Scala version of NavigableMap?

In Java 1.6, the NavigableMap (and the NavigableSet) interfaces were introduced and TreeMap was updated to implement the new interface. Among other things, NavigableMap is useful for asking questions like "Which element in the collection is closest to X? (see this excellent blog post by François Sarradin for an example and discussion).

I was hoping to find something similar in Scala 2.8's TreeMap implementation, but alas, it doesn't appear to be so (at least, it isn't obvious). Is there another Scala class or trait which is similar to Java's NavigableMap? If not, are there some simple Scala idioms which can be used to achieve something similar?

I realize I can use Java's TreeMap, but I'd like to stay within the Scala collections framework (if only for simplicity).

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Jim Hurne Avatar asked Aug 29 '11 00:08

Jim Hurne

People also ask

What is NavigableMap?

NavigableMap is an extension of the SortedMap collection framework. It is used to arrange the elements in a uniform fashion. NavigableMap has different methods to iterate over the elements in the Map.

How does NavigableMap works?

A NavigableMap may be accessed and traversed in either ascending or descending key order. The descendingMap method returns a view of the map with the senses of all relational and directional methods inverted. The performance of ascending operations and views is likely to be faster than that of descending ones.

2 Answers

On immutable collections, having the back references makes it impossible to make the collection persistent. So, instead, people use zippers to navigate through such structures. Anti-xml has a nice example of using zippers when working with XML.

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Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Daniel C. Sobral

Here's a thread on this topic

It seems SortedMap might be able to get you part of the way there, but what I've tested so far I'm not sure if it's O(log(n)) the way a search ought to be:

def searchMap(m: SortedMap[Int,_], k: Int) = {
    val left  = m to(k) lastKey
    val right = m from(k) take(2) lastKey

    if (k - left < right - k)

Based on the definitions of from and to in terms of rangeImpl it looks like this could be O(log(n)), but based on actually timing it, it appears to grow linearly for all plausible values of n.

So I'm not sure.

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Owen Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 04:09
