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Is there a safe way of converting a Collection to a sequence in F#?

Good afternoon, all!

So I've been playing around with ways of casting a .NET Collection to a functional data structure. The best I've been able to get is to cast it to a seq first and to whatever I want after that.

The problem is that this seems to break type inference, which is obviously unsafe.


let a = new System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher("<query>") in
let entries = a.FindAll ()
let entries_list = 
     let (entries_seq : seq<obj>) = Seq.cast entries_list in
     Seq.toList entries_Seq
entries_list (* list of AD objects found from query, has type obj *)

In order to do anything useful with entries_list, I'd have to do:

entries_list :?> SearchResult

Trying to generalise it to a seq<'a> fails, since the compiler still requires that I statically type its enumerator (which makes sense).

Is there any way of avoiding this? I'm starting to think this is a limitation of using .NET data structures in a functional manner.

Sorry if this is a novice question; I'm green to F# and functional programming in general (and am loving it!). Cheers!

  • Carlos.
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Carlos Nunez Avatar asked Nov 26 '12 20:11

Carlos Nunez

2 Answers

As Daniel says, you typically shouldn't need to use Seq.cast because most collections will already implement the generic seq<'t> interface. However, there are several .NET collection types that were built before the introduction of generics in .NET 2.0 which only implement the non-generic IEnumerable interface. The F# compiler actually has some special logic in for loops called "enumerable extraction" to make working against these kinds of collections a bit easier. Therefore, if you're only dealing with one of these collection types (e.g. you're working with DirectoryServices.SearchResultCollections a lot), then it probably makes sense to simply create a simple helper function:

let typedSearchResults (s:SearchResultCollection) =
    seq { for result in s -> result }

which you can then use instead of Seq.cast for this particular collection type.

If you're using lots of different old-style collections in the same project, then you can use some fancy F# features to make a generic Seq.cast alternative:

module Seq =
    let inline inferCast s = 
        // constrain ^t to have an Item indexed property (which we don't actually invoke)
        let _ = fun x -> (^t : (member Item : int -> ^v with get) (x, 0))
        let e = (^t : (member GetEnumerator : unit -> ^e) s)
        seq { while (^e : (member MoveNext : unit -> bool) e) do
                yield (^e : (member Current : obj) e) :?> ^v }

Now you can use Seq.inferCast instead of Seq.cast, and the correct item type will be inferred for you. This is probably overkill in your case, though.

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kvb Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 00:11


Most .NET collections implement IEnumerable<T> (aliased as seq<'T> in F#) but occasionally you'll run across one that only implements the non-generic interface IEnumerable. SearchResultCollection is one such type. You can use Seq.cast to convert those collections to seq<'T>, making it possible to use them with functions in the Seq module.

open System.DirectoryServices

use searcher = new DirectorySearcher("<query>")
let entries = searcher.FindAll() |> Seq.cast<SearchResult>
let entries_list = Seq.toList entries
like image 28
Daniel Avatar answered Nov 19 '22 02:11
