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Is there a Resharper command to find where a variable is being set?



When I am debugging code, if I have to find where a variable is being set, I do a text search for that variable. If there was a resharper command to go to the line of code where the variable is being set, that would save me a lot of time. Does anyone know if resharper provides this functionality?

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developer747 Avatar asked Mar 20 '13 17:03


2 Answers

Aside from Find usages you can also right click and choose Inspect -> Value origin. It only shows places where value is written, and allows you to further expand them, showing where did the assigned value come from.

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Dmitry Osinovskiy Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 02:11

Dmitry Osinovskiy

Right click on the variable name, and choose Find Usages. In the window that pops, you should be able to see how its used. There are various filtering options in the toolbar.

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Daniel A. White Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Daniel A. White