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Is there a reason why one should use ContainsKey over TryGetValue

I have tried some tests and it does not matter if there are all hits or miss. TryGetValue is always faster. When one should use ContainsKey?

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1392023093user Avatar asked Oct 05 '16 23:10


People also ask

Is dictionary TryGetValue thread safe?

Yes, it's thread safe if you only read it/ use TryGetValue : Documentation: A Dictionary<TKey, TValue> can support multiple readers concurrently, as long as the collection is not modified. Even so, enumerating through a collection is intrinsically not a thread-safe procedure.

What does TryGetValue do?

TryGetValue Method: This method combines the functionality of the ContainsKey method and the Item property. If the key is not found, then the value parameter gets the appropriate default value for the value type TValue; for example, 0 (zero) for integer types, false for Boolean types, and null for reference types.

What is dictionary C#?

Dictionary is a collection of keys and values in C#. Dictionary is included in the System. Collection. Generics namespace.

How to search key in dictionary in C#?

ContainsKey() Method. This method is used to check whether the Dictionary<TKey,TValue> contains the specified key or not. Syntax: public bool ContainsKey (TKey key);

2 Answers

It depends for what are you using the methods. If you open Reference source you will see.

public bool TryGetValue(TKey key, out TValue value)
  int index = this.FindEntry(key);
  if (index >= 0)
    value = this.entries[index].value;
    return true;
  value = default(TValue);
  return false;

public bool ContainsKey(TKey key)
  return (this.FindEntry(key) >= 0);

Like you see TryGetValue is same as ContainsKey + one array lookup.

If your logic is only to check if the key is existing in the Dictionary and nothing else related to this key (taking the value for the key) you should use ContainsKey.

If you want to take the value for the specific key, TryGetValue is faster than

    dicValue = dic[keyValue]; // here you do more work!

Logic about Dictionary[key]

    public TValue this[TKey key] 
        get {
            int i = FindEntry(key);
            if (i >= 0) return entries[i].value;
            return default(TValue);
        set {
            Insert(key, value, false);

So pretty much you will go 2 times in FindEntry method + array lookup, if you use the key with ContainsKey and after that take the value with dic[key]. You have overhead of calling FindEntry one additional time.

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mybirthname Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 13:01


Conceptually, the two methods are very different. ContainsKey simply checks to see if a given key is in the dictionary. TryGetValue will attempt to return the value for a given key, provided it's in the dictionary. Both can be fast, depending on what you want to do.

Consider the following method, which returns a value from dictionary or returns string.Empty.

Dictionary<int,string> Dict = new Dictionary<int,string>();
string GetValue1(int key)
    string outValue;
    if (!Dict.TryGetValue(key, out outValue))
        outValue = string.Empty;
    return outValue;

Compared to

string GetValue2(int key)
    return (Dict.ContainsKey(key))
        ? Dict[key]
        : string.Empty;

Both are relatively fast and the performance between the two is negligible in most situations (see unit tests below). If we wanted to be picky, using the TryGetValue requires the use of an out parameter, which is more overhead than a regular parameter. This variable will get set to the default for a type if it's not found, which is null for strings. In the above example, this null value isn't used, but we incur the overhead anyway. Finally, the GetValue1 requires the use of a local variable outValue, while GetValue2 doesn't.

BACON pointed out that GetValue2 would use 2 lookups in cases where the value is found, which is comparatively expense. This is true and also implies that in cases where the key is not found, GetValue2 would perform faster. So if the program is expecting for a majority of lookups to be misses, use GetValue2. Otherwise use GetValue1.

If dealing with a ConcurrentDictionary, use TryGetValue since operations on it should be atomic, i.e. once you check for a value in a multi-threaded environment, that check could be incorrect when you try to access the value.

Included below are 2 unit tests, testing the performance between the two methods with dictionaries with different Key types (int vs string). This benchmark is only showing how the gap between the two methods can close/widen as their context changes.

public void TestString()
    int counter = 10000000;
    for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
        DictString.Add(x.ToString(), "hello");

    TimedLog("10,000,000 hits TryGet", () =>
        for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 hits ContainsKey", () =>
        for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 misses TryGet", () =>
        for (var x = counter; x < counter*2; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 misses ContainsKey", () =>
        for (var x = counter; x < counter*2; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

public void TestInt()
    int counter = 10000000;
    for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
        DictInt.Add(x, "hello");

    TimedLog("10,000,000 hits TryGet", () =>
        for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 hits ContainsKey", () =>
        for (var x = 0; x < counter; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 misses TryGet", () =>
        for (var x = counter; x < counter * 2; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

    TimedLog("10,000,000 misses ContainsKey", () =>
        for (var x = counter; x < counter * 2; x++)
    }, Console.WriteLine);

public static void TimedLog(string message, Action toPerform, Action<string> logger)
    var start = DateTime.Now;
    if (logger != null)
        logger.Invoke(string.Format("{0} Started at {1:G}", message, start));

    var end = DateTime.Now;
    var span = end - start;
    if (logger != null)
        logger.Invoke(string.Format("{0} Ended at {1} lasting {2:G}", message, end, span));

Results of TestInt

10,000,000 hits TryGet Started at ...
10,000,000 hits TryGet Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:00.3734136
10,000,000 hits ContainsKey Started at ...
10,000,000 hits ContainsKey Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:00.4657632
10,000,000 misses TryGet Started at ...
10,000,000 misses TryGet Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:00.2921058
10,000,000 misses ContainsKey Started at ...
10,000,000 misses ContainsKey Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:00.2579766

For hits, ContainsKey is approx 25% slower TryGetValue

For misses, TryGetValue is approx 13% slower than ContainsKey

Result of TestString

10,000,000 hits TryGet Started at ...
10,000,000 hits TryGet Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:03.2232018
10,000,000 hits ContainsKey Started at ...
10,000,000 hits ContainsKey Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:03.6417864
10,000,000 misses TryGet Started at ...
10,000,000 misses TryGet Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:03.6508206
10,000,000 misses ContainsKey Started at ...
10,000,000 misses ContainsKey Ended at ... lasting 0:00:00:03.4912164

For hits, ContainsKey is approx 13% slower TryGetValue

For misses, TryGetValue is approx 4.6% slower than ContainsKey

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Paul Tsai Avatar answered Jan 19 '23 11:01

Paul Tsai