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Is there a quick way of finding if (n-1)! is divisible by n?

I know the usual way of finding n-1 factorial iteratively and then checking. But that has a complexity of O(n) and takes too much time for large n. Is there an alternative?

like image 807
batman Avatar asked Oct 21 '12 11:10


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1 Answers

Yes there is: if n is a prime, obviously (n-1)! isn't divisible by n.

If n is not a prime and can be written as n = a * b with a != b then (n-1)! is divisible by n because it contains a and b.

If n = 4, (n-1)! isn't divisible by n, but if n = a * a with a being a prime number > 2, (n-1)! is divisible by n because we find a and 2a in (n-1)! (thanks to Juhana in comments).

like image 191
alestanis Avatar answered Mar 03 '23 12:03
