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Is there a pythonic way of knowing when the first and last loop in a for is being passed through?

I have a template in which I placed, let's say 5 forms, but all disabled to be posted except for the first one. The next form can only be filled if I click a button that enables it first.

I'm looking for a way to implement a Django-like forloop.last templatetag variable in a for loop inside an acceptance test to decide whether to execute a method that enables the next form or not.

Basically what I need to do is something like:

for form_data in step.hashes:
    # get and fill the current form with data in form_data
    if not forloop.last:
        # click the button that enables the next form
# submit all filled forms
like image 560
Gerard Avatar asked Sep 09 '11 17:09


People also ask

How do you start and end a for loop in Python?

Unlike other languages, Python does not use an end statement for its loop syntax. The initial Loop statement is followed by a colon : symbol. Then the next line will be indented by 4 spaces. It is these spaces to the left of the line that is key.

How do you check iteration in Python?

We can iterate through a list by using the range() function and passing the length of the list. It will return the index from 0 till the end of the list. The output would be the same as above.

How do I find the last iteration in Python?

To detect the last item in a list using a for loop: Use the enumerate function to get tuples of the index and the item. Use a for loop to iterate over the enumerate object. If the current index is equal to the list's length minus 1 , then it's the last item in the list.

How do you end a for loop in Python?

Python provides two keywords that terminate a loop iteration prematurely: The Python break statement immediately terminates a loop entirely. Program execution proceeds to the first statement following the loop body. The Python continue statement immediately terminates the current loop iteration.

2 Answers

I don't know of anything built-in, but you can easily write a generator to give you the required information:

def firstlast(seq):
    seq = iter(seq)
    el = prev = next(seq)
    is_first = True
    for el in seq:
        yield prev, is_first, False
        is_first = False
        prev = el
    yield el, is_first, True

>>> list(firstlast(range(4)))
[(0, True, False), (1, False, False), (2, False, False), (3, False, True)]
>>> list(firstlast(range(0)))
>>> list(firstlast(range(1)))
[(0, True, True)]
>>> list(firstlast(range(2)))
[(0, True, False), (1, False, True)]
>>> for count, is_first, is_last in firstlast(range(3)):
    print(count, "first!" if is_first else "", "last!" if is_last else "")

0 first! 
2  last!
like image 186
Duncan Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 12:10


You could use enumerate and compare the counter with the length of the list:

for i, form_data in enumerate(step.hashes):
    if i < len(step.hashes):
like image 36
Daniel Roseman Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 14:10

Daniel Roseman