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Is there a performance cost putting python imports inside functions?



I build quite complex python apps, often with Django. To simplify inter-application interfaces I sometimes use service.py modules that abstract away from the models.

As these 'aggregate functionality', they frequently end up with circular imports which are easily eliminated by placing the import statements inside the service functions.

Is there a significant performance or memory cost associated with generally moving imports as close to their point of use as possible? For example, if I only use a particular imported name in one function in a file, it seems natural to place the import in that particular function rather than at the top of the file in its conventional place.

This issue is subtly different to this question because each import is in the function namespace.

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Paul Whipp Avatar asked Aug 22 '15 00:08

Paul Whipp

People also ask

Is it a good practice to import inside function in Python?

In general practice, it's probably not that beneficial. In fact, most Python style guides encourage programmers to place all imports at the beginning of the module file.

Do imports slow down Python?

Startup and Module Importing Overhead. Starting a Python interpreter and importing Python modules is relatively slow if you care about milliseconds. If you need to start hundreds or thousands of Python processes as part of a workload, this overhead will amount to several seconds of overhead.

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Python modules can get access to code from another module by importing the file/function using import. The import statement is the most common way of invoking the import machinery, but it is not the only way.

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When you import a module in Python, all the code in it will be run, and all the variables in that module will be stuck on that module object.

2 Answers

The point at which you import a module is not expected to cause a performance penalty, if that's what you're worried about. Modules are singletons and will not be imported every single time an import statement is encountered. However, how you do the import, and subsequent attribute lookups, does have an impact.

For example, if you import math and then every time you need to use the sin(...) function you have to do math.sin(...), this will generally be slower than doing from math import sin and using sin(...) directly as the system does not have to keep looking up the function name within the module.

This lookup-penalty applies to anything that is accessed using the dot . and will be particularly noticeable in a loop. It's therefore advisable to get a local reference to something you might need to use/invoke frequently in a performance critical loop/section.

For example, using the original import math example, right before a critical loop, you could do something like this:

# ... within some function sin = math.sin for i in range(0, REALLY_BIG_NUMBER):     x = sin(i)   # faster than:  x = math.sin(x)     # ... 

This is a trivial example, but note that you could do something similar with methods on other objects (e.g. lists, dictionaries, etc).

I'm probably a bit more concerned about the circular imports you mention. If your intention is to "fix" circular imports by moving the import statements into more "local" places (e.g. within a specific function, or block of code, etc) you probably have a deeper issue that you need to address.

Personally, I'd keep the imports at the top of the module as it's normally done. Straying away from that pattern for no good reason is likely to make your code more difficult to go through because the dependencies of your module will not be immediately apparent (i.e. there're import statements scattered throughout the code instead of in a single location).

It might also make the circular dependency issue you seem to be having more difficult to debug and easier to fall into. After all, if the module is not listed above, someone might happily think your module A has no dependency on module B and then up adding an import A in B when A already has import B hidden in some deep dark corner.

Benchmark Sample

Here's a benchmark using the lookup notation:

>>> timeit('for i in range(0, 10000): x = math.sin(i)', setup='import math', number=50000) 89.7203312900001 

And another benchmark not using the lookup notation:

>>> timeit('for i in range(0, 10000): x = sin(i)', setup='from math import sin', number=50000) 78.27029322999988 

Here there's a 10+ second difference.

Note that your gain depends on how much time the program spends running this code --i.e. a performance critical section instead of sporadic function calls.

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code_dredd Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09


See this question.

Basically whenever you import a module, if it's been imported before it will use a cached value.

This means that the performance will be hit the first time that the module is loaded, but once it's been loaded it will cache the values for future calls to it.

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Paul Thompson Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 11:09

Paul Thompson