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Is there a 'not found' exception for jquery selector?



I just spent 'hours' with the following scenario: (all back to the basics)

 $('#typo').bind('click' etc ...

I had a typo in the selector, but jQuery resolves

$('#funny something out there').bind(...

without any warning.

Is it possible to tell jQuery to raise an error when your selector gets nothing?

Something like this:

 $('#typo', alert('Stupid, nothing here! like '+ '#typo))


I spoke against me:

$('#typo', alert('Stupid, nothing here! like '+ '#typo))

is not a solutiuon. I have to know where the error is to extend the selector

like image 375
halfbit Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 21:12


1 Answers

You could use following snippet:

UPDATED to take care of context


jQuery.debug = true;
$ = function (selector, context) {
    if (jQuery.debug && typeof selector === "string" && !jQuery(selector, context).length) 
        throw new Error("No element found!");
    return jQuery.apply(this, arguments);
like image 93
A. Wolff Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

A. Wolff