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Is there a named constant like string.Space to replace " " [duplicate]



Using string.Empty instead of "" is really cute and make the code more clear. I'm wondering if there's a good named constant to replace " " too. I've found some ideas like using string.Empty.PadLeft(1) or string.Empty.PadRight(1), but I don't like it.

Something like string.Space to use instead of " " would be appropriate for the situation.

(Edited after comments)

To make my question's situation more clear:

In the multicultural situations, there shouldn't be any code like "Can not open the file". The string literals should be moved to a resource file and then use like Resources.CanNotOpenTheFile.

To make sure that happens, It seems a good rule, not to have any string literals in the code. So looking code at a glance, you can find bad implementations quickly. I think that's a good explanation of why I'm trying not to use " in the code.

like image 243
mehrandvd Avatar asked Mar 07 '13 11:03


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1 Answers

There is none, but you can define your own.

public static class MyString 
    public const string Space = " ";

Then use it like:

Console.Write("Test" + MyString.Space + "Text");

EDIT But you shouldn't, IMO (and based on comments from Marc Gravell and PaulRuane) since that will make the code less readable

like image 56
Habib Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 12:10
