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Is there a name for this type of binary search?

In writing some code today, I have happened upon a circumstance that has caused me to write a binary search of a kind I have never seen before. Does this binary search have a name, and is it really a "binary" search?


First of all, in order to make the search easier to understand, I will explain the use case that spawned its creation.

Say you have a list of ordered numbers. You are asked to find the index of the number in the list that is closest to x.

int findIndexClosestTo(int x);

The calls to findIndexClosestTo() always follow this rule:

If the last result of findIndexClosestTo() was i, then indices closer to i have greater probability of being the result of the current call to findIndexClosestTo().

In other words, the index we need to find this time is more likely to be closer to the last one we found than further from it.

For an example, imagine a simulated boy that walks left and right on the screen. If we are often querying the index of the boy's location, it is likely he is somewhere near the last place we found him.


Given the case above, we know the last result of findIndexClosestTo() was i (if this is actually the first time the function has been called, i defaults to the middle index of the list, for simplicity, although a separate binary search to find the result of the first call would actually be faster), and the function has been called again. Given the new number x, we follow this algorithm to find its index:

  1. interval = 1;
  2. Is the number we're looking for, x, positioned at i? If so, return i;
  3. If not, determine whether x is above or below i. (Remember, the list is sorted.)
  4. Move interval indices in the direction of x.
  5. If we have found x at our new location, return that location.
  6. Double interval. (i.e. interval *= 2)
  7. If we have passed x, go back interval indices, set interval = 1, go to 4.

Given the probability rule stated above (under the Motivation header), this appears to me to be the most efficient way to find the correct index. Do you know of a faster way?

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Cory Klein Avatar asked Aug 26 '11 15:08

Cory Klein

People also ask

What are the types of binary search?

There are two forms of binary search implementation: Iterative and Recursive Methods. The most significant difference between the two methods is the Recursive Method has an O(logN) space complexity, while the Iterative Method uses O(1).

Why is binary search named so?

In the binary search method, the complete components/elements/numbers are deviding into two parts. We know the meaning of the word binary is 2. The desired element/number is found by dividing by 2 thats why its called binary search.

What is called binary search?

Binary search is an efficient algorithm for finding an item from a sorted list of items. It works by repeatedly dividing in half the portion of the list that could contain the item, until you've narrowed down the possible locations to just one.

What is an example of binary search?

Example Binary SearchYou have an array of 10 digits, and the element 59 needs to be found. All the elements are marked with the index from 0 – 9. Now, the middle of the array is calculated. To do so, you take the left and rightmost values of the index and divide them by 2.

1 Answers

In the worst case, your algorithm is O((log n)^2).

Suppose you start at 0 (with interval = 1), and the value you seek actually resides at location 2^n - 1.

First you will check 1, 2, 4, 8, ..., 2^(n-1), 2^n. Whoops, that overshoots, so go back to 2^(n-1).

Next you check 2^(n-1)+1, 2^(n-1)+2, ..., 2^(n-1)+2^(n-2), 2^(n-1)+2^(n-1). That last term is 2^n, so whoops, that overshot again. Go back to 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-2).

And so on, until you finally reach 2^(n-1) + 2^(n-2) + ... + 1 == 2^n - 1.

The first overshoot took log n steps. The next took (log n)-1 steps. The next took (log n) - 2 steps. And so on.

So, worst case, you took 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + log n == O((log n)^2) steps.

A better idea, I think, is to switch to traditional binary search once you overshoot the first time. That will preserve the O(log n) worst case performance of the algorithm, while tending to be a little faster when the target really is nearby.

I do not know a name for this algorithm, but I do like it. (By a bizarre coincidence, I could have used it yesterday. Really.)

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Nemo Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
