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Is there a more concise way to write this Java code?




This foo that is returned by lookup could be null.

That's why I'm trying to avoid calling foo.getFooStr() on a null value by first returning null if foo is null.

But is there a better (more concise) way to write this?

public static String getFooStr(String input)
    Foo foo = lookup(input);
        return null;
    return foo.getFooStr();
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Brandon Pike Avatar asked Sep 11 '11 22:09

Brandon Pike

3 Answers

You've two questions: is there a better way to write the code, and is there a more concise way to write the code.

Regarding more concise, this could work:

public static String getFooStr(String input) {
    Foo foo = lookup(input);          
    return foo == null ? null : foo.getFooStr();

Regarding better: I value readability over conciseness any day, and by a wide margin. Your original code looks fine to me. What matters is what looks good to you, and which is easier for you to understand and debug 3 months from now. I've heard someone say it best -- write your code so that is easily understandable by others, and even more importantly, by your future self.

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Hovercraft Full Of Eels Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Hovercraft Full Of Eels

Why isn't there a lookup that returns the appropriate foo string?

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Daniel A. White Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Daniel A. White

I'm not into java, but I do like clean code... Source code should be easy to read and understand for humans - the machine doesn't care how it looks but your colleagues do. More concise code usually takes a moment or two longer to grasp (sometimes much longeer depending on the quantity and complexity). Keep code understandable and it will be maintainable (even if it is a bit more verbose)!

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Jon Gilbert Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 03:11

Jon Gilbert