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Is there a method that calculates a factorial in Java? [closed]



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Is there any inbuilt factorial function in Java?

BigIntegerMath factorial() function | Guava | Java The method factorial(int n) of Guava's BigIntegerMath class is used to find the factorial of the given number. It returns n!, that is, the product of the first n positive integers.

How do you do Factorials without a loop in Java?

Make another recursive method and call it from main . Show activity on this post. Create a method say getFactorial(int num) as follows. Move your for loop inside that method and call that method from main.

How do you find the recursive factorial in Java?

Example: Factorial of a Number Using Recursion Initially, the multiplyNumbers() is called from the main() function with 6 passed as an argument. Since 6 is greater than or equal to 1, 6 is multiplied to the result of multiplyNumbers() where 5 (num -1) is passed.

Apache Commons Math has a few factorial methods in the MathUtils class.

public class UsefulMethods {
    public static long factorial(int number) {
        long result = 1;

        for (int factor = 2; factor <= number; factor++) {
            result *= factor;

        return result;

Big Numbers version by HoldOffHunger:

public static BigInteger factorial(BigInteger number) {
    BigInteger result = BigInteger.valueOf(1);

    for (long factor = 2; factor <= number.longValue(); factor++) {
        result = result.multiply(BigInteger.valueOf(factor));

    return result;

I don't think it would be useful to have a library function for factorial. There is a good deal of research into efficient factorial implementations. Here is a handful of implementations.

Bare naked factorials are rarely needed in practice. Most often you will need one of the following:

1) divide one factorial by another, or

2) approximated floating-point answer.

In both cases, you'd be better with simple custom solutions.

In case (1), say, if x = 90! / 85!, then you'll calculate the result just as x = 86 * 87 * 88 * 89 * 90, without a need to hold 90! in memory :)

In case (2), google for "Stirling's approximation".

Use Guava's BigIntegerMath as follows:

BigInteger factorial = BigIntegerMath.factorial(n);

(Similar functionality for int and long is available in IntMath and LongMath respectively.)

Although factorials make a nice exercise for the beginning programmer, they're not very useful in most cases, and everyone knows how to write a factorial function, so they're typically not in the average library.