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Is there a MATLAB editor/plugin/version with better code completion?

Comparing Visual Studio code completion with MATLAB R2008b 7.7 there are a few important features missing in the last one:

  1. Local variables completion

  2. Function, for, if auto ENDing

But Visual Studio doesn't support MATLAB code. Is there any MATLAB plugin, editor or version with a better code completion?

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Jader Dias Avatar asked Sep 23 '09 18:09

Jader Dias

People also ask

Does Matlab have IntelliSense?

IntelliSense is Microsoft's name for auto-complete. Matlab has auto-complete. It doesn't have IntelliSense. saying that matlab has auto complete is an overstatement.

1 Answers

You could always take a look at MATLAB-Emacs integration (also deals with Vim in the article).

Also, while we're at the subject:
Editing MATLAB files with Vim
Evaluate selected text from Vim in Matlab

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Rook Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 12:10
