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Is there a less verbose way to unwrap maybe values in Elm

I've been running into a frequent issue in elm where I have a function that depends on multiple maybe values being Just. Is there a less verbose way to write this code:

commandIf apples bananas oranges =
        case apples of
            Just apples_ ->
                case bananas of
                    Just bananas_ ->
                        case oranges of
                            Just oranges_ ->
                                someCommand apples_ bananas_ oranges_

                            Nothing ->

                    Nothing ->

            Nothing ->
like image 656
tanman Avatar asked Nov 15 '16 00:11


2 Answers

If you need all three values at the same time you can match them together as a tuple and leave all other combinations (when one of them or several are Nothing) to the fallback case:

commandIf apples bananas oranges =
  case (apples, bananas, oranges) of
    (Just apples_, Just bananas_, Just oranges_) ->
        someCommand apples_ bananas_ oranges_

    _ ->
like image 64
laughedelic Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 14:09


@laughedelic's answer is very good. Just wanted to offer some alternative and more generic solutions too, since verbose Maybe unwrapping is an issue I also ran into when I started out in Elm.

If you have a fixed number of Maybe values, you can use map2, map3 etc to do what you want (docs here):

commandIf apples bananas oranges =
  Maybe.map3 someCommand apples bananas oranges
  |> Maybe.withDefault Cmd.none

Here, someCommand is your functions that takes 3 arguments, and returns a some command.

Maybe.map3 applies this function only if all 3 variables are Just x, and wraps it in one Maybe type. So the result is Just (someCommand apples bananas oranges) if all 3 have a value. Otherwise, the function returns Nothing.

This result is then "piped" into Maybe.withDefault. Which returns a Cmd.none if the input is Nothing, and otherwise returns the value (your command), without the Just.

If you would have a list of Maybe values of unknown length, you could do something this:

keepOnlyJusts : List (Maybe a) -> List a
keepOnlyJusts listOfMaybes =
  |> List.filterMap identity

newList = keepOnlyJusts [ Just 1, Nothing, Just 3 ]   -- == [1,3]

where the result is a list (could be empty) where only the values are kept.

like image 27
wintvelt Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 14:09
