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Is there a jUnit for Perl?

I've created some business classes using OO Perl and I want to make sure I don't break them when I change the code. Sounds like unit testing is the way to go.

Is there anything like jUnit for Perl?

Feel free to elaborate on how you've implemented unit testing in Perl projects.

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Pistol Avatar asked Sep 02 '09 17:09


1 Answers


Test::Class is a xUnit/jUnit style framework for testing. Note that it only provides the framework, but it builds off of Test::Builder, the common perl testing backend. This means all of Perl's extensive other test frameworks (which lie in the Test::* namespace) are available to you as well. Test::Simple and Test::More can get you started, but there are many, many other testing libraries available for you based on your app.

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Robert P Avatar answered Dec 07 '22 14:12

Robert P