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Is there a Hello World example for the Google Contacts API in Java, C#, Python or Ruby?


Can anyone point me to a step-by-step example which explains how to get started with the Google Contacts API and shows a complete working demo?

Preferably in Java, but it can also be in C#, Python or Ruby.


All I want to do is to

  1. load an existing contact,
  2. add it to a group and
  3. save the contact back.


I am pretty much failing on every level.

  • Can't get the authentication to work
  • Can't find the libraries that contain the classes which are used in the code snippets I found on the Internet
  • Can't perform CRUD operations on an existing contact


Here is some pseudo-code of what I am looking for.

import com.google.contacts.*

public class UpdateContactDemo {

   public static void main(String args[]) {
      GoogleContactsApi g = new GoogleContactsApi("username", "password");
      Contact c = g.get("Bob");

What I already did

Ok, I googled for tutorials, API examples and everything else I could think of -- and failed. I found a bunch of sources like these:

  • Google Contacts API v3
  • API Directory
  • Contacts Reference Guide

But non contained an end-to-end example for beginners.

like image 752
Lernkurve Avatar asked Oct 12 '12 19:10


1 Answers

My approach for C# was this one:


The code can be found on github: here

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- GoogleAPI credentials -->
    <add key="ClientId" value="{CLIENT-ID}" />
    <add key="ClientSecret" value="{CLIENT-SECRETD}" />

    <!-- Update the port of the Redirect URI (don't forget to set this value also in the Google API Console) -->
      <add key="RedirectUri" value="http://localhost:{PORT}/Account/GoogleAuthorization" />

You can remove the existing Google Calendar api and add Google Contacts Api.

Give this a try.

This has Oauth implementation and works, but the code samples from the code.google.com don't.

Is the best I found so far.

like image 51
radu florescu Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 04:09

radu florescu