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Is there a generic way to generate an arbitrary linear sequence in SQL?



Is there a SQL query I can do that will generate a linear sequence like

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ... x+1


2, 7, 12, 17, 22 ... 2+5x

(where each number is an entry in a row of the resulting table)

like image 868
Craig S Avatar asked Jul 13 '10 11:07

Craig S

People also ask

How do you create a sequence in SQL?

The syntax to create a sequence in SQL Server (Transact-SQL) is: CREATE SEQUENCE [schema.] sequence_name [ AS datatype ] [ START WITH value ] [ INCREMENT BY value ] [ MINVALUE value | NO MINVALUE ] [ MAXVALUE value | NO MAXVALUE ] [ CYCLE | NO CYCLE ] [ CACHE value | NO CACHE ]; AS datatype.

What is the maximum number that can be generated by a sequence in SQL?

MAXVALUE Specify the maximum value the sequence can generate. This integer value can have 28 or fewer digits. MAXVALUE must be equal to or greater than START WITH and must be greater than MINVALUE .

What is the difference between sequence and identity in SQL Server?

The IDENTITY property is tied to a particular table and cannot be shared among multiple tables since it is a table column property. On the flip side the SEQUENCE object is defined by the user and can be shared by multiple tables since is it is not tied to any table.

How do you store a sequence in a database?

Syntax: CREATE SEQUENCE sequence_name START WITH initial_value INCREMENT BY increment_value MINVALUE minimum value MAXVALUE maximum value CYCLE|NOCYCLE ; sequence_name: Name of the sequence. initial_value: starting value from where the sequence starts.

2 Answers

SQL Server and Oracle now implement the ANSI standard ROW_NUMBER() windowing function, but you'd need a table to work off of:

FROM SomethingWithANameAndAnID

Or you could use a recursive Common Table Expression in SQL Server (not sure if Oracle implements this yet):

    SELECT 1 AS num
    SELECT (num + 1) AS num FROM cte
    WHERE num < @SomeMaximum

Note that without the MAXRECURSION option CTE recursion depth in MS SQL is limited to 100. (value of 0 disables the recursion limit)

like image 67
Dave Markle Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 19:09

Dave Markle

If performance is your concern, have this UDF ready:

create function [dbo].[Numbers](@count bigint)
with byte (n) as ( select 1 from ( VALUES 
        ) x(n)  )
, byte2 (n) as ( select 1 from byte a, byte b)
, byte4 (n) as ( select 1 from byte2 a, byte2 b)
, byte8 (n) as ( select 1 from byte4 a, byte4 b)
select top(@count) n = ROW_NUMBER() over(order by n) from byte8

Apparently, recursion-only CTE generated number sequence works, but very slow. Here we trade some code volume for huge increase in performance. This one gives me over 30 million numbers in 8 seconds on my crappy overloaded PC. It can go as far as you want and can afford to the limit of max bigint.

It won't touch the disk IO unless the optimizer rules it out of memory (hardly ever for reasonable scenario). It will also avoid waits and deadlocks unlike solutions based on physical tables.

Use like this:

select 2 + n*5 from Numbers(100)

You should be able to create a view like this.

For those not requiring an actual number, just rows, removing the row_number stuff speeds it up twice.

Inspired by http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/jamesn/archive/2008/05/29/60612.aspx (Itzik Ben Gan mentioned by S. Neumann). This version comes with a simpler execution plan and makes bigints possible, that's about the advantages.

like image 31
Robert Cutajar Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 17:09

Robert Cutajar