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is there a faster way to write similar test cases for Django views?

Basically, I realize that I am writing the same test case (test_update_with_only_1_field) for a similar URL for multiple models

from django.test import RequestFactory, TestCase
class BaseApiTest(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
    superuser = User.objects.create_superuser('test', '[email protected]', 'testpassword')
    self.factory = RequestFactory()
    self.user = superuser
    self.client.login(username=superuser.username, password='testpassword')

class SomeModelApiTests(base_tests.BaseApiTest):
def test_update_with_only_1_field(self):
    Tests for update only 1 field 

    GIVEN the following shape and related are valid
    WHEN we update only with just 1 field
    THEN we expect the update to be successful
    shape_data = {
        'name': 'test shape',
        'name_en': 'test shape en',
        'name_zh_hans': 'test shape zh hans',
        'serial_number': 'test shape serial number',
        'model_name': {
            'some_field': '123'

    data = json.dumps(shape_data)
    response = self.client.post(reverse('shape-list-create'), data, 'application/json')
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_201_CREATED)

    some_model = response.data['some_model']
    new_some_field = '12345'

    data = json.dumps({'some_field': new_some_field, 'id': response.data['some_model']['id']})
    response = self.client.put(reverse('some-model', args=[some_model['id']]), data, 'application/json')
    self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)
    self.assertEqual(new_some_field, response.data['some_field'])

I need to do this for more than 10 times. Which I have already done so.

the only difference each time, is the following phrases "some_model", "some-model", and "some_field"

I was wondering if there's a faster way to do this.

I can think abstractly two ways:

  1. create a template in a text editor that somehow can generate the final test case which I then copy and paste. I am using sublime text 3 though I am okay to switch to another text editor

  2. There's a way I can write slightly more code in the form of converting this test case into a behavior class that the individual test class can call. aka composition.

Which one makes more sense or there's a different way to do this?

Please note that BaseApi class is also inherited by other test class that do NOT have that repetitive test case method.

like image 555
Kim Stacks Avatar asked Jan 04 '23 05:01

Kim Stacks

1 Answers

I guess what you want is "parameterized tests", standard unittest could do this with parameterized package:

import unittest
from parameterized import parameterized

class SomeModelApiTests(unittest.TestCase):

        ('case1', 'm1', 'f1', 'nf1'),
        ('case1', 'm2', 'f2', 'nf2'),
    def test_update_with_only_1_field(self, dummy_subtest_name, model_name, field_name, new_field_value):
        print(model_name, field_name, new_field_value)

will yields:

test_update_with_only_1_field_0_case1 (t.SomeModelApiTests) ... m1 f1 nf1
test_update_with_only_1_field_1_case1 (t.SomeModelApiTests) ... m2 f2 nf2

pytest testing framework has better support builtin on parameterized tests, worth looking at.

like image 93
georgexsh Avatar answered Jan 16 '23 20:01
