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Is there a difference between `this.function()` and `function.call(this)`?



After reading this tutorial I think I have some grasp of how to use call and apply. However, I'm still left slightly confused.

Is there any situation in which using function.call(this, arguments) would be different than using this.function(arguments)?

If not, then why do we need the call function?

like image 223
Pro Q Avatar asked Jun 18 '20 05:06

Pro Q

People also ask

What is the difference between a function and a function call?

A function is procedure to achieve a particular result while function call is using this function to achive that task. The opening and closing braces defines the scope of that function while the code between these braces is the actuall code/procedure to achieve the goal.

What is function call in C++?

A function call is a call that passes control to a function. A function is a set of statements that performs a specific task. Rather than writing all the statements inside the main function, the programmer can call the functions as required. Syntax of a function is as follows.

Do you have just described a function?

If the answer is YES you have just described a function. If, in contrast, there will be different outputs based on the condition of internal memory, it should be coded as a function block. There are some additional attributes to a function that need to be considered. 1) A function does not have “outputs” in the strictest sense of the term.

What is the difference between Jam and function call?

taking an anology of bread and jam,jam is the function defined by you and application of jam to bread is function call. Pretty simple explanation will make it very clear as to what is the difference between a "function" and a "function call'.

2 Answers

const person = {
  name: "Bob",
  greet: function() { console.log("Hello " + this.name) }

const thank = function() {
  console.log("Thanks " + this.name);

person.greet() is the same as person.greet.call(person), but the first is more succinct, so this is why this variant exists.

call function is useful when function is not member of the object. You can't call person.thank(), you must call thank.call(person).

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TeWu Avatar answered Sep 26 '22 03:09


There is no difference (other than that using .call means that your code may take an unexpected path if someone overwrite the property call of the function or Function.prototype.call). However, you can write this.function() only when the function actually exists as a property of this!

Consider this example that shows how it can make sense to use call:

const nodes = document.querySelectorAll('div')

// console.log(nodes.map(node => node.innerText)) would fail
// because nodes is of type NodeList which doesn't have a map
// method. But, it is array-like (has numeric indices and a length
// property) so we can use the original map method of the array
// prototype:

console.log(Array.prototype.map.call(nodes, node => node.innerText))

Or another example:

// This simulates an object we got from somewhere else
const something = {
  val: 123,
  calc (x) {
    return this.val / x

// We want to monkey-patch the calc method so it doesn't return Infinity
// on x being zero (this may be necessary if we don't have access to the
// library that provided the something object, and forking it is not
// feasible)
const prevCalc = something.calc
something.calc = function (x) {
  if (x === 0) {
    return null
 } else {
    // Without using call, the invokation of the original method would
    // not have the right this
    return prevCalc.call(this, x)
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CherryDT Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09
