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Is there a difference between a SELECT statement inside a transaction and one that is outside of it?

Does the default READ COMMITTED isolation level somehow makes the SELECT statement act different inside of a transaction than one that is not in a transaction?

I am using MS SQL.

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Omu Avatar asked Dec 29 '09 20:12


People also ask

What's the difference between a transaction to a query?

Queries are operations to CRUD (create (insert), update (set), read (select), delete (delete)) data inside a table. The transaction is more or less the process of a single or multiple statements/queries/operations getting executed.

Should we use transaction for select query?

In a highly concurrent application it could (theoretically) happen that data you've read in the first select is modified before the other selects are executed. If that is a situation that could occur in your application you should use a transaction to wrap your selects.

Is each SQL statement a transaction?

If a transaction encounters errors and must be canceled or rolled back, then all of the data modifications are erased. Each individual statement is a transaction. Each transaction is explicitly started with the BEGIN TRANSACTION statement and explicitly ended with a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement.

What is the purpose of the select statement?

The SELECT statement is used to select data from a database. The data returned is stored in a result table, called the result-set.

2 Answers

Yes, the one inside the transaction can see changes made by other previous Insert/Update/delete statements in that transaction; a Select statement outside the transaction cannot.

If all you are asking about is what the Isolation Level does, then understand that all Select statements (hey, all statements of any kind) - are in a transaction. The only difference between one that is explicitly in a transaction and one that is standing on its own is that the one that is standing alone starts its transaction immediately before it executes it, and commits or roll back immediately after it executes;

whereas the one that is explicitly in a transaction can (because it has a Begin Transaction statement) can have other statements (inserts/updates/deletes, whatever) occurring within that same transaction, either before or after that Select statement.

So whatever the isolation level is set to, both selects (inside or outside an explicit transaction) will nevertheless be in a transaction which is operating at that isolation level.

Addition: The following is for SQL Server, but all databases MUST work in the same way. In SQL Server the Query Processor is always in one of 3 Transaction Modes, AutoCommit, Implicit, or Explicit.

  • AutoCommit is the default transaction management mode of the SQL Server Database Engine. .. Every Transact-SQL statement is committed or rolled back when it completes. ... If a statement completes successfully, it is committed; if it encounters any error, it is rolled back. This is the default, and is the answer to @Alex's question in the comments.

  • In Implicit Transaction mode, "... the SQL Server Database Engine automatically starts a new transaction after the current transaction is committed or rolled back. You do nothing to delineate the start of a transaction; you only commit or roll back each transaction. Implicit transaction mode generates a continuous chain of transactions. ..." Note that the italicized snippet is for each transaction, whether it be a single or multiple statement transaction.

  • The engine is placed in Explicit Transaction mode when you explicitly initiate a transaction with BEGIN TRANSACTION Statement. Then, every statement is executed within that transaction until you explicitly terminate the transaction (with COMMIT or ROLLBACK) or if a failure occurs that causes the engine to terminate and Rollback.

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Charles Bretana Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 06:09

Charles Bretana

Yes, there is a bit of a difference. For MySQL, the database doesn't actually start with a snapshot until your first query. Therefore, it's not begin that matters, but the first statement within the transaction. If I do the following:

#Session 1 begin; select * from table;  #Session 2 delete * from table; #implicit autocommit  #Session 1 select * from table; 

Then I'll get the same thing in session one both times (the information that was in the table before I deleted it). When I end session one's transaction (commit, begin, or rollback) and check again from that session, the table will show as empty.

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Jeff Ferland Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 06:09

Jeff Ferland