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Is there a database agnostic nosql framework for .NET?

I'm looking for a common data access framework that will provide portability across various nosql databases like SimpleDB, Azure Tables, Cassandra, CouchDB, MongoDb, etc. I'm building an app and would like my customers to be able to use which ever nosql store they want.

In a more relational scenario, I'd use Linq over nHibernate or Entity Framework, but I haven't found an equivalent framework for nosql databases. All I've found is database specific API's even though there seem to be significant commonality. Does one exist? Preferably one with LINQ.

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Matt Dotson Avatar asked Jun 28 '10 00:06

Matt Dotson

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1 Answers

No these things are too different and too specific (at least right now). If you wanted something really simple, like just a wrapper on an object that is only accessed by ID, then you may have a hope. In fact, if you look at NoRM, it may be possible to adapt that to various providers.

However, outside of a small core set of features, these "NoSQL" databases are quite different in many regards. I mean, how do you implement the various map/reduce functions agnostically? How do you implement atomic operations when they support different atomic operations?

Either way, we're way too early in the NoSQL life-cycle to have an agnostic framework for all of this. Azure basically dropped their NoSQL offering in favor of "hosted SQL server". MongoDB is maybe 20 months old, CouchDB is still on version 0.11.x, SimpleDB is less than 24 months old, Cassandra is on version 0.6.2 and has maybe been in regular use for a couple of years.

We're just not there yet.

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Gates VP Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 17:10

Gates VP