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Is there a CSS element that will let me add a space?

I am at an impasse with this page I am trying to modify for my institution. The page is somewhat proprietary and not all of the files that comprise the page are accessible to me. The only things I can get access to are 5 different files called a stylesheet(naturally), a head, a top, a bottom, and a print

So this is the page:


The issue is that below the page where you have the 2 sections for "Viewed Most Popular Topics" and "Most Recent Topics", is that the words ViewedMost run on together. Additionally the number of views and the first word of the actual topic respective of the views run on together. For example, you'll see 3869What is my Blackboard Username and COM ID?

Given the pages that I have access to, none of them have the ID for that section declared in them. It is in some .ASP page on Parature's backend. I've contacted their support and put in a ticket and did not receive any resolution. I tried emailing someone directly and a man told me something ridiculous:

If you right click on the area and click inspect element you are able to add a space either behind “view” or in front of “most”. Either works, I’ve tried them both. The same goes for the number and the article.

I already know full well how to use the Chrome inspector but what I told this gentleman was that I don't have access to the page to add a space nor do I even know if there is an element I can use to fix the formatting. I was hoping you guys would be able to see something I do not on the page that would allow me to create the space that I am looking to add.

Thank you all.

like image 508
Christopher Bruce Avatar asked Mar 21 '23 18:03

Christopher Bruce

1 Answers

.item:after {
content: "\00a0";
like image 78
Pikk Avatar answered Apr 25 '23 15:04
