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Is there a constraint that restricts my generic method to numeric types?

Can anyone tell me if there is a way with generics to limit a generic type argument T to only:

  • Int16
  • Int32
  • Int64
  • UInt16
  • UInt32
  • UInt64

I'm aware of the where keyword, but can't find an interface for only these types,

Something like:

static bool IntegerFunction<T>(T value) where T : INumeric 
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Corin Blaikie Avatar asked Aug 28 '08 16:08

Corin Blaikie

People also ask

Can generic classes be constrained?

Declaring those constraints means you can use the operations and method calls of the constraining type. If your generic class or method uses any operation on the generic members beyond simple assignment or calling any methods not supported by System. Object, you'll apply constraints to the type parameter.

What are the constraints in generics?

The where clause in a generic definition specifies constraints on the types that are used as arguments for type parameters in a generic type, method, delegate, or local function. Constraints can specify interfaces, base classes, or require a generic type to be a reference, value, or unmanaged type.

How do you restrict a generic type?

You can specify one or more constraints on the generic type using the where clause after the generic type name. The following example demonstrates a generic class with a constraint to reference types when instantiating the generic class.

What keyword allows you to put constraints on a generic type?

So here is the list of some of the constraints that you can add to the generic classes, using the where keyword: Restrict the generic class to use the type parameter of value or reference type only (as we discussed above). Restrict the type parameter T, to be implementing the specified interface.

2 Answers

C# does not support this. Hejlsberg has described the reasons for not implementing the feature in an interview with Bruce Eckel:

And it's not clear that the added complexity is worth the small yield that you get. If something you want to do is not directly supported in the constraint system, you can do it with a factory pattern. You could have a Matrix<T>, for example, and in that Matrix you would like to define a dot product method. That of course that means you ultimately need to understand how to multiply two Ts, but you can't say that as a constraint, at least not if T is int, double, or float. But what you could do is have your Matrix take as an argument a Calculator<T>, and in Calculator<T>, have a method called multiply. You go implement that and you pass it to the Matrix.

However, this leads to fairly convoluted code, where the user has to supply their own Calculator<T> implementation, for each T that they want to use. As long as it doesn’t have to be extensible, i.e. if you just want to support a fixed number of types, such as int and double, you can get away with a relatively simple interface:

var mat = new Matrix<int>(w, h);

(Minimal implementation in a GitHub Gist.)

However, as soon as you want the user to be able to supply their own, custom types, you need to open up this implementation so that the user can supply their own Calculator instances. For instance, to instantiate a matrix that uses a custom decimal floating point implementation, DFP, you’d have to write this code:

var mat = new Matrix<DFP>(DfpCalculator.Instance, w, h);

… and implement all the members for DfpCalculator : ICalculator<DFP>.

An alternative, which unfortunately shares the same limitations, is to work with policy classes, as discussed in Sergey Shandar’s answer.

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Konrad Rudolph Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 23:09

Konrad Rudolph

Considering the popularity of this question and the interest behind such a function I am surprised to see that there is no answer involving T4 yet.

In this sample code I will demonstrate a very simple example of how you can use the powerful templating engine to do what the compiler pretty much does behind the scenes with generics.

Instead of going through hoops and sacrificing compile-time certainty you can simply generate the function you want for every type you like and use that accordingly (at compile time!).

In order to do this:

  • Create a new Text Template file called GenericNumberMethodTemplate.tt.
  • Remove the auto-generated code (you'll keep most of it, but some isn't needed).
  • Add the following snippet:
<#@ template language="C#" #>
<#@ output extension=".cs" #>
<#@ assembly name="System.Core" #>

<# Type[] types = new[] {
    typeof(Int16), typeof(Int32), typeof(Int64),
    typeof(UInt16), typeof(UInt32), typeof(UInt64)

using System;
public static class MaxMath {
    <# foreach (var type in types) { 
        public static <#= type.Name #> Max (<#= type.Name #> val1, <#= type.Name #> val2) {
            return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    } #>

That's it. You're done now.

Saving this file will automatically compile it to this source file:

using System;
public static class MaxMath {
    public static Int16 Max (Int16 val1, Int16 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    public static Int32 Max (Int32 val1, Int32 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    public static Int64 Max (Int64 val1, Int64 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    public static UInt16 Max (UInt16 val1, UInt16 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    public static UInt32 Max (UInt32 val1, UInt32 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;
    public static UInt64 Max (UInt64 val1, UInt64 val2) {
        return val1 > val2 ? val1 : val2;

In your main method you can verify that you have compile-time certainty:

namespace TTTTTest
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            long val1 = 5L;
            long val2 = 10L;
            Console.WriteLine(MaxMath.Max(val1, val2));

enter image description here

I'll get ahead of one remark: no, this is not a violation of the DRY principle. The DRY principle is there to prevent people from duplicating code in multiple places that would cause the application to become hard to maintain.

This is not at all the case here: if you want a change then you can just change the template (a single source for all your generation!) and it's done.

In order to use it with your own custom definitions, add a namespace declaration (make sure it's the same one as the one where you'll define your own implementation) to your generated code and mark the class as partial. Afterwards, add these lines to your template file so it will be included in the eventual compilation:

<#@ import namespace="TheNameSpaceYouWillUse" #>
<#@ assembly name="$(TargetPath)" #>

Let's be honest: This is pretty cool.

Disclaimer: this sample has been heavily influenced by Metaprogramming in .NET by Kevin Hazzard and Jason Bock, Manning Publications.

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Jeroen Vannevel Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

Jeroen Vannevel