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Is there a c++ counterpart to posix_memalign?



When I call posix_memalign to allocate aligned memory for an object of type Foo in my C++ code, I am required to do a reinterpret_cast of the address of that pointer to void**.

In general when I encounter this situation, it implies that I am missing some language feature. That is, it feels like I am calling malloc in c++ when I should be calling new. , Is there a type-aware new equivalent for aligned memory allocation in c++?

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merlin2011 Avatar asked Dec 17 '14 01:12


2 Answers

I will start with the core advice first.

Foo* aligned_foo() {
  void* raw = 0;
  if(posix_memalign(&raw, 8, sizeof(Foo)))
    return 0; // we could throw or somehow communicate the failure instead
    return new(raw) Foo();

then when you are done with the Foo* foo, do a foo->~Foo(); free(foo); instead of delete.

Note the lack of reinterpret_casts.

Here is an attempt to make it generic:

// note: stateless.  Deleting a derived with a base without virtual ~base a bad idea:
template<class T>
struct free_then_delete {
  void operator()(T*t)const{
template<class T>
using aligned_ptr=std::unique_ptr<T,free_then_delete<T>>;

// the raw version.  Dangerous, because the `T*` requires special deletion:
template<class T,class...Args>
T* make_aligned_raw_ptr(size_t alignment, Args&&...args) {
  void* raw = 0;
  if(int err = posix_memalign(&raw, alignment, sizeof(T)))
    if (err==ENOMEM)
      throw std::bad_alloc{};
    return 0; // other possibility is bad alignment: not an exception, just an error
  try {
    // returns a T*
    return new(raw) T(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
  } catch(...) { // the constructor threw, so clean up the memory:
template<class T,class...Args> // ,class... Args optional
aligned_ptr<T> make_aligned_ptr(size_t alignment=8, Args&&...args){
  T* t = make_aligned_raw_ptr<T>(alignment, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
  if (t)
    return aligned_ptr<T>(t);
    return nullptr;

The unique_ptr alias aligned_ptr bundles the destroyer along with the pointer -- as this data requires destruction and free, not delete, this makes it clear. You can still .release() the pointer out, but you still have to do the steps.

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Yakk - Adam Nevraumont Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11

Yakk - Adam Nevraumont

Actually, you don't want to do a reinterpret_cast because then your Foo constructor isn't called. If you need to allocate memory from a special place, you then call placement new to construct the object in that memory:

void* alloc;
posix_memalign(&alloc, 8, sizeof(Foo));
Foo* foo = new (foo) Foo();

The only other way (pre C++11) would be overriding the new operator for your class. That works if you have a particular class that always requires this special allocation:

class Foo {
    void* operator new(size_t size) {
        void* newobj;
        posix_memalign(&newobj, 8, sizeof(Foo));
        return newobj;

Then anytime you call new Foo() it will invoke this allocator. See http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/memory/new/operator_new for more information. Overriding operator new and operator delete can be done for individual classes or globally.

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Jay Miller Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11

Jay Miller