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Is there a blank Unicode character matching emoji width?




Does Unicode define a blank character (like "Em Space" or "En Space") with the same width as any/some emoji (something like "Emoji Space")? If yes, which one is it?

I'd like to be able to format a fixed-width font plain-text table containing emojis (CI report e-mail). They seem to be impossible to align either with regular or any other spaces I tried (compare "x86_64", "arm" and "mips" lines):

         13 / 733 builds FAILED                                                              
        x86_64        82   4                                                               
        aarch64       6                                                                      
        ppc64le       5                                                                      
        s390x         5                                                                      
        mips     9  77                                                                     
        arm64         73                                                                     
        arm      4  282  4                                                               
        i386          30                                                                     
        sparc         9                                                                      
        riscv         33                                                                     
        arc           10                                                                     
        s390          21                                                                     
        powerpc       52                                                                     
        sh            18                                                                     
        parisc        9                                                                      

Applying VS16 to space/letters, or VS15 to emojis, largely didn't work (in Firefox, Chrome and Thunderbird):

|   |
|   ️|
like image 795
spbnick Avatar asked Mar 05 '21 17:03


People also ask

Are all emoji the same width?

The width of an Emoji — and even one of the Unicode spaces — varies from font to font.

What is the Unicode for blank?

␢ - Blank Symbol: U+2422 - Unicode Character Table.

How wide is an emoji?

Often, an emoji will appear at 32 by 32 px, but aiming for a larger size ensures a higher pixel density, keeping the image sharp. The more important thing to bear in mind is that emojis should fit a square aspect ratio of 1:1.

How do you use a zero width joiner?

Zero-width joiner (U+200D)When placed between two characters that would otherwise not be connected, a zero-width joiner causes them to be printed in their connected forms (if they have one). In the Devanagari example below, adding a zero-width joiner in the second line changes the appearance of the character.

1 Answers

The answer at this moment seems to be "no". A workaround could be using another emoji, closest in meaning to "nothing", depending on your context. E.g. this is what I'm going with in our CI emails:


                  4   712
         x86_64        82
        aarch64         6
        ppc64le         5
          s390x         5
           mips        77
          arm64        73
            arm   4   282
           i386        30
          sparc         9
          riscv        33
            arc        10
           s390        21
        powerpc        52
             sh        18
         parisc         9
like image 151
spbnick Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 05:10
