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Is there a better way to determine the right size for a UITableViewCell?

I have a UITableView cell that is going to have a variable size depending on it's content (potentially several lines of text).

SInce it appears that heightForRowAtIndexPath is called before I layout the cell, I just guess the correct height by calling [NSString sizeWithFont] on my text string. Is there a better way to set the height after I've laid out the text in the cell and have an idea of exactly what size it should be?

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drewh Avatar asked Feb 04 '23 12:02


1 Answers

It's going to sound dumb, but ...uh... "layout your cell before you exit heightForRowAtIndexPath" ;)

Seriously, though -- the OS only ever calls this if it's going to be needed (as in: it's about to create the cell & display it on screen), so laying it out & getting ready to display is not wasted effort.

Note, you do not have to do your layout separately, logic-wise. Just make a call to your [self prepLayoutForCellAtIndex:index] within your heightForRowAtIndexPath routine.

If the data is static, you can create a height table and cache the info.

if (0 == heightTable[index]) {
    heightTable[index] = [self prepLayoutForCellAtIndex:index];
return (heightTable[index]);

Heck, even if the data changes, you can either recalculate the table value in the method that changes the data, or clear to 0 so it gets recalculated the next time it's needed.

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Olie Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 03:02
