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Is there a a define for 64 bit in gcc [duplicate]




Possible Duplicate:
Detecting 64bit compile in C

I want my program to run on both 32 bit and 64 bit Linux OS. So In my C code, I want the compiler to know when it is compiling for a 32 bit and 64 bit architecture. So, I need something like that

#ifdef X64

Is there any such define in gcc?

like image 368
MetallicPriest Avatar asked Dec 02 '22 01:12


1 Answers

I know of these:


I don't know how reliable they are.

The best option would be adding -DMY_32BIT to the Makefile's compile line when compiling for 32 bits and checking for MY_32BIT on your code. That way you can be sure.

like image 192
Vinicius Kamakura Avatar answered Dec 21 '22 20:12

Vinicius Kamakura