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Is the try-catch-finally block synchronous in node.js?

I have some code runing in a child process in a node program like so:

    var data = fs.readFileSync(urlPath, {"encoding":"utf8"});
} catch (err) {
    console.log("Error reading url file...");
    throw err;
} finally {
    console.log("File read!");
    var array = data.split("\n");

    console.log("Found " + array.length + " urls");

This code is called from another node program, that needs to wait until all the operations in this file are done. Unfortunately, the child process is exiting with code 0 before any of the code under the finally block is executed.

This is leading me to believe even the try-catch-finally is asynchronous. Is that correct?

like image 821
krb686 Avatar asked Jul 10 '13 13:07


1 Answers

Your question is confusingly worded.

The entire Javascript language is fully synchronous; all language constructs, including catch and finally blocks, will execute synchronously before running the next line of code.

However, they are not aware of any asynchronous operations that may have begun, and will not wait for them to finish.

like image 176
SLaks Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10
