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Is the Objective-C dictionary an ordered container?

as the title, when I insert element to a dictionary in objective-c (in order like: k1, k2, k3), is there any guarantee that when I enumerate it like:

for ( k in dictionary ){
   // output the k - value

it would show in the same order?

like image 914
fallhunter Avatar asked Oct 30 '09 04:10


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2 Answers

No, NSDictionary does not maintain the insertion order of its keys.

If you need a dictionary that maintains insertion order, I'd suggest using the CHDataStructures framework, which has a CHOrderedDictionary class (it's a descendent of NSMutableDictionary). The documentation for CHOrderedDictionary says:

A dictionary which enumerates keys in the order in which they are inserted.

The following additional operations are provided to take advantage of the ordering:





Key-value entries are inserted just as in a normal dictionary, including replacement of values for existing keys, as detailed in -setObject:forKey:. However, an additional structure is used in parallel to track insertion order, and keys are enumerated in that order. If a key to be added does not currently exist in the dictionary, it is added to the end of the list, otherwise the insertion order of the key does not change.

like image 171
Dave DeLong Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 08:11

Dave DeLong

NSDictionary's keys aren't kept in order, but you can get them and sort them, E. G:

for (key in [[myDict allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)])
like image 32
NSResponder Avatar answered Nov 08 '22 09:11
