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Is the Human Interface Guideline gospel? [closed]

I have submitted my first iPhone app and am now waiting for approval. My only fear is having it rejected because of some subtle nuance in the HIG, this is from googling around.

How does Apple treat the HIG, as guidelines or as gospel?

like image 661
John Smith Avatar asked Dec 12 '22 20:12

John Smith

1 Answers

It all depends.

If you use the wrong icons for certain functionality. They will reject it.
If it is confusing to the user. They will reject it.
If the standard UI components do not work as expected. They will reject it.
If an operations fails without appropriate feedback. They will reject it

But they will usually tell you one item in the GUI that they rejected it for.
Thus when you fix it and send it back they can tell you about the next one.

like image 140
Martin York Avatar answered Dec 28 '22 09:12

Martin York