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Is the file accessed by an other application

I'd like to know if it were possible, in java, to fire an event when an external application modifies the content of a given text file

I'm just trying to program a little software that automatically synchronizes a local file to a remote ftp server

like image 645
William Avatar asked Jan 20 '11 13:01


People also ask

How can I tell if a file is open in another program?

Use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Esc to open Task Manager. Look for the file in the Processes tab which shows you all the applications that are currently being used, whether with or without your knowledge.

How can I see who accessed a file?

To see who reads the file, open “Windows Event Viewer”, and navigate to “Windows Logs” → “Security”. There is a “Filter Current Log” option in the right pane to find the relevant events. If anyone opens the file, event ID 4656 and 4663 will be logged.

How do I open a file with another application?

To open a file with an application other than the default, right-click the file and select the application you want from the top of the menu. If you do not see the application you want, select Open With Other Application. By default, the file manager only shows applications that are known to handle the file.

1 Answers

You may try this lib JNotify

More Info :

Download JNotify from here

Extract the zip, put .dll/.so according to platform in your lib path. and create a class provide jnotify-0.93.jar in class path.

Sample code:

package org.life.java.stackoverflow.questions;

import net.contentobjects.jnotify.JNotify;
import net.contentobjects.jnotify.JNotifyListener;

 * @author Jigar
public class JNotifyDemo {

    public void sample() throws Exception {
        // path to watch
        String path = System.getProperty("user.home");

        // watch mask, specify events you care about,
        // or JNotify.FILE_ANY for all events.
        int mask = JNotify.FILE_CREATED
                | JNotify.FILE_DELETED
                | JNotify.FILE_MODIFIED
                | JNotify.FILE_RENAMED;

        // watch subtree?
        boolean watchSubtree = true;

        // add actual watch
        int watchID = JNotify.addWatch(path, mask, watchSubtree, new Listener());

        // sleep a little, the application will exit if you
        // don't (watching is asynchronous), depending on your
        // application, this may not be required

        // to remove watch the watch
        boolean res = JNotify.removeWatch(watchID);
        if (!res) {
            // invalid watch ID specified.

    class Listener implements JNotifyListener {

        public void fileRenamed(int wd, String rootPath, String oldName,
                String newName) {
            print("renamed " + rootPath + " : " + oldName + " -> " + newName);

        public void fileModified(int wd, String rootPath, String name) {
            print("modified " + rootPath + " : " + name);

        public void fileDeleted(int wd, String rootPath, String name) {
            print("deleted " + rootPath + " : " + name);

        public void fileCreated(int wd, String rootPath, String name) {
            print("created " + rootPath + " : " + name);

        void print(String msg) {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        new JNotifyDemo().sample();


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created C:\Documents and Settings\jigar : Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\f_001eaf
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modified C:\Documents and Settings\jigar : Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Cache\f_001eaf
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lweller Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10
