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Is STUN server absolutely necessary for webrtc when I have a socket.io based signaling server?




My understanding about STUN server for webrtc is that when the clients are behind the NAT (in most cases, if not all), the STUN server will help the webrtc clients to identify their addresses and ports. And I also read some article saying that a signaling server is needed for webrtc clients. The signaling server could be a web server, socket.io, or even emailing a url. My first question would be: is the STUN server the signaling server?

Actually now I built a very simple socket.io based service which broadcasts client's session descriptions to all other clients. So I believe the socket.io based server should have enough knowledge about the clients' addresses and ports information. If this is the case, why do we bother to have another STUN server?

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Qian Chen Avatar asked May 17 '14 20:05

Qian Chen

People also ask

Do I need a STUN server for WebRTC?

Before establishing a peer-to-peer connection, it is essential for servers to identify the IP address for each participant. WebRTC applications use STUN servers most of the time.

Do you need a server for WebRTC?

Does WebRTC Need a Server? WebRTC can easily connect two browsers on a local area network. However, WebRTC and browsers alone aren't capable of connecting through the internet. WebRTC needs a server to handle tasks like getting through firewalls and routing data outside of your local network.

What is the use of STUN server in WebRTC?

STUN. Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN) is a protocol to discover your public address and determine any restrictions in your router that would prevent a direct connection with a peer.

2 Answers

The STUN server is NOT the signalling server.

The purpose of the signalling server is to pass information between the peers at the start up of the session(how can they send an offer without knowing who to send to?). This information includes the SDPs that are created on the offers and the answers and also any Ice Candidates that are created by either party.

The reason to have a STUN server is so that the two peers can send the media to each other. The media streams will not hit your signalling server but instead will go straight to the other party(the definition of a peer-to-peer connection), the exception to this would be the case when a TURN server is used.

Media cannot magically go through a NAT or a firewall because the two parties do not have direct access to each other(like they would if they were on the same LAN).

In short STUN server is needed the large majority of the time when the two parties are not on the same network(to get valid connection candidates for peer-to-peer media streaming) and a signalling server is ALWAYS needed(whether they are on different networks or not) so that the negotiation and connection build up can take place. Good explanation of the connection and streaming process

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Benjamin Trent Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 00:10

Benjamin Trent

STUN is used to implement the ICE protocol, which tries to find a working network path between the two clients. ICE will also use TURN relay servers (if configured in the RTCPeerConnection) for cases where the two clients (due to NAT/Firewall restrictions) can't make a direct peer-to-peer connection.

STUN servers are used to identify the external address used by the computer on the internet (the outside-the-NAT address) and to attempt to set up a port mapping usable by the peer (if the NAT isn't "symmetric") -- contacting the STUN server will tell you the external IP and port to try to use in ICE. These are the ICE candidates included in the SDP or in the trickle-ICE messages.

For almost-guaranteed connectivity, a server should have TURN servers (preferably supporting UDP and TCP TURN, though UDP is far preferred). Note that unlike STUN, TURN can use appreciable bandwidth, and so can cost money to host. Luckily, most connections succeed without needing to use a TURN server (i.e. they run peer-to-peer)

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jesup Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10
